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来源:本站      发布时间:2010-12-13

I will give my long and boring lecture in a few minutes but I want to take this opportunity to thank the Chang Pei-gang foundation and thank everybody involved in this wonderful award. for me, the award itself is a special honor which I will always cherish but I specially take care of it because its name of Chang Pei-gang. When I became a graduate student I read the Chang Pei-gang's work because he had produced the best PHD thesis of the year published by Harvard press. So he was very well-known even though I had not met him. but the first time I met him it was in the late 1970s,when i was the chairman of economic department and he  by basically see it if he could get another copy of his PHD diploma, because it had been lost in the cultural revolution. what i need to do is make a phone call and the university is very happy to replace his diploma and we have been friends ever since. i have met with him in Wuhan at least twice since then. and it is a very wonderful experience and it is also very special previleged to be here with Professor Tan Congtai. we have also known for a long time. i guess we say    ,all is a few years apart after years we were getting closer and closer together. we aged as i aged. it is wonderful experience and wonderful to get back here Huazhong keji daxue and particularly in Wuhan and see so many old friends and to received the award that I was happy just be here. receive the award is very special previlege thank you very very much.



